Kern County Animal Services exists to protect the public health and safety of Kern County residents and to promote the general welfare of the citizens and to ensure that the animals residing within the unincorporated area of the county are treated humanely. Animal ownership is encouraged and welcomed within this county; however, strong emphasis is placed on responsible ownership of animals. Animal owners are encouraged and required to respect the rights of their fellow residents and to behave responsibly concerning the care of their animals. Primary responsibility is placed upon animal owners to properly maintain and/or secure their animals so as to prevent the animals from causing injury and/or creating a nuisance (Kern County Ordinance 7.08.005).
The majority of animal-related ordinances governing the unincorporated areas of Kern County are located in Title 7 of the Kern County ordinances. Kern County's Title 7 ordinances cover a wide variety of requirements, restrictions, and specific allowances that govern the treatment of animals. Some incorporated jurisdictions (cities) within Kern County limits maintain their own ordinances that govern actions and behaviors regarding animals. California State law governs some areas of animal issues and some cities use State law rather than creating their own ordinances. Some State laws governing animals are located under the Food and Agricultural Code and some are under Health and Safety.
Some of the more commonly-referenced Kern County ordinances regarding animals are listed below:
All Kern County animal-related ordinances (Title 7)
Request for Administrative Hearing citation (PDF)
Request for Administrative Hearing non-citation (PDF)
Request for Hardship Waiver (PDF)
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