Reports / Complaints / Forms

This page allows you to submit non-emergency reports of any animal-related problem including:

Submit a non-emergency report

Need Help Now?

Contact Information:

Dispatch Phone:
(661) 868-7100 (Option #2)
Dispatch Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, excluding County holidays (PDF)
After-Hours/Weekend Emergency Phone:
(661) 868-7100 (Option #2)

Problems that require immediate help include

  • Injured Animals
  • Animals Acting Aggressively
  • Immediate Cruelty Matter
  • Threat to Public Safety (e.g., an animal loose near a busy roadway)

Bite Report Form (Physicians)

Printable Bite Report (PDF) - This document is used by medical professionals who are treating an animal bite.

To report an animal bite, click the "Everything Else" link in the "Reporting Non-Emergency Matters" section below.

 Administrative Hearings

Request for Administrative Hearing (PDF)

Request for Hardship Waiver (PDF)

Reporting Non-Emergency Matters

Issues pertaining to game type animals and birds, as well as listed sensitive and or endangered animals. (e.g., kit fox, bear, mountain lion, deer, elk, turkey, eagles, hawks, etc.) Dead Animals on County Freeways
Dead Animal on West Side Parkway